Sunday, 31 May 2009

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Facebook | THE GREEN BOX SHOP - Cost Effective Natural and Eco Friendly Products

Posted: 30 May 2009 05:36 PM PDT

Nina Simone - What Does Freedom Mean?

Posted: 30 May 2009 05:03 PM PDT

(14 votes - 2 comments - 157 views)
(the quality improves 10 seconds into the video)

Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP

Posted: 30 May 2009 04:51 PM PDT

Cosmology at YearlyKos Science Panel, Part 1

Posted: 30 May 2009 02:39 PM PDT

(13 votes - 3 comments - 315 views)
The first half of Sean Carroll's talk on Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and the meaning of science at the YearlyKos Science Panel, August 2007.

Pressure To Look Attractive Linked To Fear Of Rejection

Posted: 30 May 2009 01:30 PM PDT

The researchers found that overall women showed greater sensitivity to appearance rejection than did men. This was particularly true of women who felt they needed to look attractive in order to be accepted by their peers. The study also found that men and women who had internalized media ideals of attractiveness had higher levels of


Posted: 30 May 2009 12:49 PM PDT

Ancient Volcanic Eruptions Caused Global Mass Extinction

Posted: 30 May 2009 12:40 PM PDT

A previously unknown giant volcanic eruption that led to global mass extinction 260 million years ago has been uncovered by scientists at the University of Leeds.The eruption in the Emeishan province of south-west China unleashed around half a million cubic kilometres of lava, covering an area 5 times the size of Wales.

Swirling Non-Supercell Tornadoes in Pictures

Posted: 30 May 2009 12:30 PM PDT

A non-supercell tornado comes in many flavors: dust devils, dust tubes, and waterspouts, to name just a few. The basic difference is that these type of vortexes are not born of a larger storm system and appear only sporadically.

Karnivool on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Videos

Posted: 30 May 2009 12:27 PM PDT

Blue Whale Discovered Singing In New York Coastal Waters

Posted: 30 May 2009 12:20 PM PDT

Blue whales (not specific whales sighted near New York City). Scientists confirmed that the voice of a singing blue whale was tracked about 70 miles off of Long Island and New York City on Jan. 10-11, 2009, as the whale swam slowly from east to west.

Saturday, 30 May 2009

Johnald's Fantastical Daily Link Splurge

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The Corporation

Posted: 30 May 2009 04:24 AM PDT

Climate Change Hits Poor Hardest in U.S.

Posted: 30 May 2009 12:00 AM PDT

Climate change is disproportionately affecting the poor and minorities in the United States - a "climate gap" that will grow in coming decades unless policymakers intervene

Time-Lapse Videos of Massive Change on Earth

Posted: 29 May 2009 11:20 PM PDT

Here are a few videos, compiled from images posted on NASA's Earth Observatory, of some of the most impressive conquests of man over environment.

Neurologist V.S. Ramachandran on Anosognosia

Posted: 29 May 2009 10:59 PM PDT

(14 votes - 2 comments - 220 views)
Leading neurologist Vilayanur S. Ramachandran presents his groundbreaking research into Anosognosia; a condition in which a person who suffers disability seems unaware of or denies the existence of his or her disability.

He discusses confabulating patients having suffered cerebro-vascular accidents to the right hemisphere who appear to rationalize their denial, a strategy of the adaptive ego—claiming, for example, that an arthritic shoulder prevents movement of their left arm. This denial, claims Ramachandran, is a defensive strategy of the left hemisphere, which maintains the stability of the ego.

In his account, the right hemisphere deals with discordance, and it simply neglects the left side of the world. Anosognosia is therefore a dysfunction of the belief system. Recently characterized by Georg Northoff as "the nodal point between philosophy and the neurosciences"

Presented at the 5th International Neuropsychoanalysis Congress, Rome 2005

Ontario Public Asked to Help Find Meteorite

Posted: 29 May 2009 07:50 PM PDT

A fireball that recently streaked through the sky north of Toronto may have released some small meteorites and researchers at the Royal Ontario Museum and the University of Western Ontario are seeking the aid of local residents in retrieving the space debris.

World's Biggest Laser May Save Mankind (PIC)

Posted: 29 May 2009 06:00 PM PDT

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory dedicated the world's largest laser system today. The National Ignition Facility, with its 192 giant laser beams, fills up an entire 10-story building in Livermore, Calif. Scientists hope lighting a mini-sunfire inside a tiny hydrogen ball will create an endless supply of safe and carbon-free electricity.

Philosphical Bouncer

Posted: 29 May 2009 04:57 PM PDT

(12 votes - 1 comment - 254 views)

A Patent on the Human Genome? Implications and Obstacles

Posted: 29 May 2009 02:46 PM PDT

(11 votes - 6 comments - 121 views)
Who controls your genetic information?

Biomedical Engineers Teach Bacteria To Count

Posted: 29 May 2009 02:30 PM PDT

Biomedical engineers at Boston University have taught bacteria how to count. Professor James J. Collins and colleagues have wired a new sequence of genes that allow the microbes to count discrete events, opening the door for a host of potential applications, which could include drug delivery and sensing environmental hazards.

Black Holes Spit High-Energy Cosmic Rays

Posted: 29 May 2009 02:20 PM PDT

An international team of scientists tracked down the origin of the mysterious "Oh-My-God" particle -- a cosmic ray bearing energies millions of times larger than the most powerful particle accelerator can produce on Earth. The most likely source for these ultra-high-energy particles is a type of black hole found at the center of some galaxies.

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The Corporation

Posted: 30 May 2009 04:24 AM PDT

Climate Change Hits Poor Hardest in U.S.

Posted: 30 May 2009 12:00 AM PDT

Climate change is disproportionately affecting the poor and minorities in the United States - a "climate gap" that will grow in coming decades unless policymakers intervene

Time-Lapse Videos of Massive Change on Earth

Posted: 29 May 2009 11:20 PM PDT

Here are a few videos, compiled from images posted on NASA's Earth Observatory, of some of the most impressive conquests of man over environment.

Neurologist V.S. Ramachandran on Anosognosia

Posted: 29 May 2009 10:59 PM PDT

(14 votes - 2 comments - 220 views)
Leading neurologist Vilayanur S. Ramachandran presents his groundbreaking research into Anosognosia; a condition in which a person who suffers disability seems unaware of or denies the existence of his or her disability.

He discusses confabulating patients having suffered cerebro-vascular accidents to the right hemisphere who appear to rationalize their denial, a strategy of the adaptive ego—claiming, for example, that an arthritic shoulder prevents movement of their left arm. This denial, claims Ramachandran, is a defensive strategy of the left hemisphere, which maintains the stability of the ego.

In his account, the right hemisphere deals with discordance, and it simply neglects the left side of the world. Anosognosia is therefore a dysfunction of the belief system. Recently characterized by Georg Northoff as "the nodal point between philosophy and the neurosciences"

Presented at the 5th International Neuropsychoanalysis Congress, Rome 2005

Ontario Public Asked to Help Find Meteorite

Posted: 29 May 2009 07:50 PM PDT

A fireball that recently streaked through the sky north of Toronto may have released some small meteorites and researchers at the Royal Ontario Museum and the University of Western Ontario are seeking the aid of local residents in retrieving the space debris.

World's Biggest Laser May Save Mankind (PIC)

Posted: 29 May 2009 06:00 PM PDT

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory dedicated the world's largest laser system today. The National Ignition Facility, with its 192 giant laser beams, fills up an entire 10-story building in Livermore, Calif. Scientists hope lighting a mini-sunfire inside a tiny hydrogen ball will create an endless supply of safe and carbon-free electricity.

Philosphical Bouncer

Posted: 29 May 2009 04:57 PM PDT

(12 votes - 1 comment - 254 views)

A Patent on the Human Genome? Implications and Obstacles

Posted: 29 May 2009 02:46 PM PDT

(11 votes - 6 comments - 121 views)
Who controls your genetic information?

Biomedical Engineers Teach Bacteria To Count

Posted: 29 May 2009 02:30 PM PDT

Biomedical engineers at Boston University have taught bacteria how to count. Professor James J. Collins and colleagues have wired a new sequence of genes that allow the microbes to count discrete events, opening the door for a host of potential applications, which could include drug delivery and sensing environmental hazards.

Black Holes Spit High-Energy Cosmic Rays

Posted: 29 May 2009 02:20 PM PDT

An international team of scientists tracked down the origin of the mysterious "Oh-My-God" particle -- a cosmic ray bearing energies millions of times larger than the most powerful particle accelerator can produce on Earth. The most likely source for these ultra-high-energy particles is a type of black hole found at the center of some galaxies.

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

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Socialites and Curmudgeons - Two Brain Types

Posted: 26 May 2009 08:00 PM PDT

Socialites and curmudgeons not only have different party demeanors, they may also have different brain structures, a new study suggests. But what came first — the incentive to charm or the bolstered brain anatomy — is still a matter of debate.

What's Wrong With Our Sun?

Posted: 26 May 2009 07:10 PM PDT

The sun is being really boring. Nearly 18 months after the "official" start of Solar Cycle 24, observers are looking closely at the ball of hot plasma in the sky asking, "What is wrong with the sun?" To be honest, we don't know if there's something wrong or not; it depends on what your opinion of "wrong" is.

From day to night - a lesson in eye evolution with the owl monkey : Not Exactly Rocket Science

Posted: 26 May 2009 07:05 PM PDT

The Morality of Torture by Laurence M. Vance

Posted: 26 May 2009 06:58 PM PDT

BBC iPlayer - The Incredible Human Journey: Europe

Posted: 26 May 2009 06:57 PM PDT

Drag Me To Hell Movie Reviews, Pictures - Rotten Tomatoes

Posted: 26 May 2009 04:37 PM PDT

7 Mind-Boggling Uses For Frickin' Laser Beams

Posted: 26 May 2009 04:30 PM PDT

Lasers. From CD players to Blu-ray, our consumer tech lives just wouldn't be the same without them. But out in the real world, these pinpoint rays of light are being put to some fascinating - even scary - uses that simply boggle the mind. Here are seven great examples...

Is NASA Over-the-Hill?

Posted: 26 May 2009 02:20 PM PDT

It has been 40 years since NASA first placed man on the moon. Not only was the space agency still young, but most of its employees were fresh out of college. Today, less than 20 percent of NASA's employees are under the age of 40. This leads to a disturbing question: As the baby boomers retire, who will get astronauts back to the lunar surface?

Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday American Products

Posted: 26 May 2009 02:01 PM PDT

(10 votes - 2 comments - 282 views)
Amy Goodman speaks to award-winning investigative journalist Mark Schapiro, author of Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products and Whats at Stake for American Power.

Farms Downsize With Miniature Cows

Posted: 26 May 2009 11:50 AM PDT

Minicows -- compact miniature Herefords with stocky bodies, smaller frames and relatively tiny appetites, consume about half that of a full-sized cow yet produce 50% to 75% of the rib-eyes and fillets, according to researchers and budget-conscious farmers.

Johnald's Fantastical Daily Link Splurge

Johnald's Fantastical Daily Link Splurge

Socialites and Curmudgeons - Two Brain Types

Posted: 26 May 2009 08:00 PM PDT

Socialites and curmudgeons not only have different party demeanors, they may also have different brain structures, a new study suggests. But what came first — the incentive to charm or the bolstered brain anatomy — is still a matter of debate.

What's Wrong With Our Sun?

Posted: 26 May 2009 07:10 PM PDT

The sun is being really boring. Nearly 18 months after the "official" start of Solar Cycle 24, observers are looking closely at the ball of hot plasma in the sky asking, "What is wrong with the sun?" To be honest, we don't know if there's something wrong or not; it depends on what your opinion of "wrong" is.

From day to night - a lesson in eye evolution with the owl monkey : Not Exactly Rocket Science

Posted: 26 May 2009 07:05 PM PDT

The Morality of Torture by Laurence M. Vance

Posted: 26 May 2009 06:58 PM PDT

BBC iPlayer - The Incredible Human Journey: Europe

Posted: 26 May 2009 06:57 PM PDT

Drag Me To Hell Movie Reviews, Pictures - Rotten Tomatoes

Posted: 26 May 2009 04:37 PM PDT

7 Mind-Boggling Uses For Frickin' Laser Beams

Posted: 26 May 2009 04:30 PM PDT

Lasers. From CD players to Blu-ray, our consumer tech lives just wouldn't be the same without them. But out in the real world, these pinpoint rays of light are being put to some fascinating - even scary - uses that simply boggle the mind. Here are seven great examples...

Is NASA Over-the-Hill?

Posted: 26 May 2009 02:20 PM PDT

It has been 40 years since NASA first placed man on the moon. Not only was the space agency still young, but most of its employees were fresh out of college. Today, less than 20 percent of NASA's employees are under the age of 40. This leads to a disturbing question: As the baby boomers retire, who will get astronauts back to the lunar surface?

Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday American Products

Posted: 26 May 2009 02:01 PM PDT

(10 votes - 2 comments - 282 views)
Amy Goodman speaks to award-winning investigative journalist Mark Schapiro, author of Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products and Whats at Stake for American Power.

Farms Downsize With Miniature Cows

Posted: 26 May 2009 11:50 AM PDT

Minicows -- compact miniature Herefords with stocky bodies, smaller frames and relatively tiny appetites, consume about half that of a full-sized cow yet produce 50% to 75% of the rib-eyes and fillets, according to researchers and budget-conscious farmers.

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Johnald's Fantastical Daily Link Splurge

Johnald's Fantastical Daily Link Splurge

New Species of Yeast Discovered in Amazon Jungle

Posted: 25 May 2009 11:50 AM PDT

A new species of yeast has been discovered deep in the Amazon jungle. In a paper published on-line in FEMS Yeast Research, IFR scientists and colleagues from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador describe the novel characteristics of Candida carvajalis sp. nov.

How Blood Vessels Feed Tumors (Medical Animation)

Posted: 25 May 2009 11:48 AM PDT

(12 votes - 0 comments - 149 views)
A virtual tour into the growth of a tumor. Shows how blood vessels help tumors grow and metastasize. This blood vessel growth, known as angiogenesis, helps to complicate cancer and it is a prime target for fighting cancer

Power-hungry gadgets must learn to diet

Posted: 25 May 2009 11:10 AM PDT

COME 2030, electronic gadgets will gobble three times as much electricity as they do today, requiring 280 gigawatts of new generating capacity, unless we do something about it. A new study by the International Energy Agency (IEA) reports that devices from cellphones to personal computers consume 15 per cent of all household power,

wallpaper | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials

Posted: 25 May 2009 10:49 AM PDT

Is Aging an Accident of Evolution?

Posted: 25 May 2009 10:30 AM PDT

Prevailing theory of aging challenged by Stanford University Medical School researchers. Their discovery contradicts the prevailing theory that aging is a buildup of tissue damage similar to rust. The Stanford findings suggest specific genetic instructions drive the process.

Study: People By Nature Are Universally Optimistic

Posted: 25 May 2009 10:10 AM PDT

Despite calamities from economic recessions, wars and famine to a flu epidemic afflicting the Earth, a new study from the University of Kansas and Gallup indicates that humans are by nature optimistic.

Airport Wildlife Mitigation - Pictures

Posted: 25 May 2009 09:43 AM PDT

How genetics influences humans to choose their mates

Posted: 25 May 2009 09:30 AM PDT

New light has been thrown on how humans choose their partners, a scientist will tell the annual conference of the European Society of Human Genetics today.

TETRIS by =Surround on deviantART

Posted: 25 May 2009 09:20 AM PDT

SPACEINVADERS by =Surround on deviantART

Posted: 25 May 2009 09:18 AM PDT