Saturday, 25 April 2009

Daily Link Splurge

Daily Link Splurge

Chemists synthesize cancer drug candidate

Posted: 25 Apr 2009 11:30 AM PDT

Ten years ago, William Fenical of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography isolated from an ocean-living fungus a compound that has since shown the ability to kill cancer cells in the lab. Now, for the first time, MIT chemists have synthesized the compound, an advance that could open the door to new drug treatments for cancer.

Spider "Resurrections" Take Scientists by Surprise

Posted: 25 Apr 2009 08:20 AM PDT

Spiders in a lab twitched back to life hours after "drowning"—and the scientists were as surprised as anyone.

The Geomagnetic Apocalypse — And How to Stop It

Posted: 25 Apr 2009 06:50 AM PDT

For scary speculation about the end of civilization in 2012, people usually turn to followers of cryptic Mayan prophecy, not scientists. But that's exactly what a group of NASA-assembled researchers described in a chilling report issued earlier this year on the destructive potential of solar storms.

Dark Markings of the Sky

Posted: 25 Apr 2009 06:06 AM PDT

Dark Markings of the Sky Based on wide field photographs, American astronomer Edward Emerson Barnard cataloged the dark markings of the sky in the early 20th century. Barnard's markings are dark nebulae, interstellar clouds of obscuring gas and dust. Their shapes are visible in cosmic silhouette because they lie in the foreground along the line-of-sight to rich star fields and stellar nurseries near the plane of our Galaxy. This deep telescopic image from the early 21st century captures a tantalizing array of Barnard's dusty nebulae toward the constellation Taurus and the Taurus molecular cloud some 400 light-years away. Included in the nearly 1 degree wide field of view is Barnard 7 (the 7th object in the catalog) at the upper right, next to a dusty bluish reflection nebula. Young variable star RY Tauri is emerging from a yellowish cocoon of dust near top center. Typically a light-year or so across, many of Barnard's dark nebulae are themselves likely sites of future star formation.

List of preventable causes of death - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted: 25 Apr 2009 06:04 AM PDT

Rep. Joe Barton - Geological Retard

Posted: 25 Apr 2009 05:40 AM PDT

(17 votes - 7 comments - 168 views)
Rep. Joe Barton (R - Texas) "stumps" Energy Secretary Chu with question, 'where did the oil in Alaska comes from?' - or, so he thinks...

James Watson: The double helix and today's DNA mysteries

Posted: 25 Apr 2009 12:37 AM PDT

(14 votes - 1 comment - 179 views)
"Nobel laureate James Watson opens TED2005 with the frank and funny story of how he and his research partner, Francis Crick, discovered the structure of DNA."

YouTube - Interview with Physicist David Bohm (Part 1/5)

Posted: 24 Apr 2009 09:10 PM PDT

Scientists Make Organic Transistor With Improved Performance

Posted: 24 Apr 2009 09:10 PM PDT

Organic semiconductors are promising building blocks for many devices, from LEDs to transistors, offering potential advantages such as cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and high performance.

Operation to cure blindness soon to be available

Posted: 24 Apr 2009 08:20 PM PDT

Scientists in England have developed a revolutionary operation using stem cell technology that could cure blindness. The first procedures could be available in the next six months.