Monday, 4 May 2009

Daily Link Splurge

Daily Link Splurge

TED: Exploring the re-wiring of the brain

Posted: 04 May 2009 08:31 AM PDT

(14 votes - 0 comments - 212 views)

Space | The Big Foto

Posted: 04 May 2009 08:18 AM PDT

"9 to 5": Your Genes Are Watching The Clock

Posted: 04 May 2009 08:10 AM PDT

If you feel that "The Man" is dominating you with his 9 to 5, the control reaches deeper than you think. Geneticists have found 8, 12 and 24 hour cycles in gene activity; sure, those were in a vast army of lab mice kept in small containers, but anyone who's worked in a cubicle farm will realize the results are directly applicable.

Neil Shubin: The Great Transitions in Evolution

Posted: 04 May 2009 08:07 AM PDT

(10 votes - 1 comment - 101 views)
Neil Shubin, Associate Dean of the Biological Sciences Division at the University of Chicago describes how his diverse fossil findings allow him to devise hypotheses on how anatomical transformations occurred by way of genetic and morphogenetic processes.

Earth and Moon Viewer

Posted: 04 May 2009 08:00 AM PDT

Earth View

Posted: 04 May 2009 08:00 AM PDT

Posted: 04 May 2009 07:55 AM PDT

How Satellites Could 'Sail' Home from Space

Posted: 04 May 2009 06:20 AM PDT

Satellites and spent rocket stages could soon deploy "sails" to guide them back to Earth much faster than they would otherwise fall out of the sky.

Rembrandt Impact Basin on Mercury

Posted: 04 May 2009 06:06 AM PDT

Rembrandt Impact Basin on Mercury Why do portions of this huge crater on Mercury have so much iron? The unusual Rembrandt impact basin was discovered recently in images taken during the robotic MESSENGER spacecraft's 2008 October flyby of the Solar System's innermost planet. The unusual Rembrandt spans over 700 kilometers and at 4 billion years old is possibly the youngest large impact basin on the planet. Multicolored images of the crater floor, however, indicate reflections from areas containing unusually high amounts of iron and titanium. These elements indicate that some exposed materials have not been covered by more recent lava floes, and so might originate from an epoch of Mercury's formation. Data from Rembrandt and across Mercury are now being interpreted as indicating a relatively active and volcanic past for Mercury that includes surface tectonics. Close inspection of the above image will reveal rings of Mercury's Rembrandt impact basin circling around the image center. Mercury's limb is visible on the upper left, high cliffs and small craters are visible inside Rembrandt, and the terminator between night and day runs diagonally through the image. MESSENGER is on track to fly past Mercury again this September and enter orbit around Mercury in 2011.

Space Station Flare Captured On Film

Posted: 04 May 2009 05:10 AM PDT

I've been watching this short video clip over and over. It may only be two seconds long, but it is such a unique view of the space station that I find it mesmerizing. Each time the animated GIF loops, another detail seems to reveal itself.