Friday, 17 July 2009

Johnald's Fantastical Daily Link Splurge

Johnald's Fantastical Daily Link Splurge

What Will NASA's Next Spacesuit Look Like?

Posted: 17 Jul 2009 11:21 AM PDT

40 years after the first moon walk, designers and engineers discuss the continuing evolution of astronaut apparel

Gene That Triggers Antibodies Discoverd

Posted: 17 Jul 2009 11:11 AM PDT

A research team led by the La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology has identified the specific gene which triggers the body to produce disease-fighting antibodies -- a seminal finding that clarifies the exact molecular steps taken by the body to mount an antibody defense against viruses and other pathogens. The finding, published online to

Invisible flash takes photos without the glare

Posted: 17 Jul 2009 10:12 AM PDT

A camera system that uses infrared and ultraviolet light to illuminate scenes produces sharp, natural images without the dazzling effect of a normal flash.

Pat Buchanan - Climate Change is a Hoax

Posted: 17 Jul 2009 09:29 AM PDT

(10 votes - 2 comments - 245 views)
Buchanan - science says climate change "is a hoax and a scam designed to transfer wealth and a world government."

The blind can drive at Virginia Tech

Posted: 17 Jul 2009 08:20 AM PDT

This story begins in 2006, when the Blind Driver's Challenge was initiated at Virginia Tech University in response to a proposal made by the Jernigan Institute, a part of the National Federation of the Blind. This month, members of the Robotics and Mechanisms Laboratory have made previously impossible dream possible.

8 Moon-Landing Hoax Myths - Busted! (PICS, Slide Show)

Posted: 17 Jul 2009 07:20 AM PDT

Forty years have passed since humans first walked on the moon, but many conspiracy theorists still insist that it was all an elaborate hoax. Examine the evidence, and find out why experts say some of the most common claims simply don't hold water.

World's Quickest Personality Test: 59 Seconds!

Posted: 17 Jul 2009 07:00 AM PDT

(20 votes - 2 comments - 410 views)
As posted on Derren Brown's blog, a quick personality test for you to try at home!

A better way of transplanting bone marrow (TED Talks)

Posted: 17 Jul 2009 06:44 AM PDT

(13 votes - 2 comments - 160 views)
The adult stem cells found in bone marrow can be used to treat many terminal conditions, from Parkinson's to heart disease.

10 things we didn't know last week

Posted: 17 Jul 2009 06:12 AM PDT

Snippets from the week's news, sliced, diced and processed for your convenience. 1. A new element cannot be named after a living person. More details 2. Plants that smell of almonds or marzipan are more likely to be poisonous. More details 3. The UK's median gross annual salary is £20,801. More details 4. The best Italian saffron is made from crocus flowers picked at dawn. More details 5. The world's longest bench is 613 metres. More details 6. Testicular cancer only accounts for 1-2% of male cancers. More details 7. Brahms liked his audience to clap in between movements. More details 8. Zoos in China use female dogs as surrogate mothers for baby tigers, lions and bear cubs. More details 9. Some lizards are so light they fall to the ground like a feather. More details 10. Buzz Aldrin received Holy Communion on the moon. More details Seen 10 things? Send us a picture to use next week. Thanks to Heidi Adnum for this week's picture of 10 ducks in Hyde Park, London.

Starburst Galaxy M94

Posted: 17 Jul 2009 06:06 AM PDT

Starburst Galaxy M94 Beautiful island universe M94 lies a mere 15 million light-years distant in the northern constellation of the hunting dogs, Canes Venatici. A popular target for earth-based astronomers, the face-on spiral galaxy is about 30,000 light-years across. Its remarkable features include prominent dust lanes, a bright, point-like nucleus, and a bright, bluish ring dominated by the light of young, massive stars. The massive stars in the ring are all likely less than 10 million years old, indicating the galaxy experienced a well-defined era of rapid star formation. As a result, while the small, bright nucleus is typical of the Seyfert class of active galaxies, M94 is also known as a starburst galaxy. Because M94 is relatively nearby, astronomers can explore in detail reasons for the galaxy's burst of star formation.